Direct Link Idyll Digital Portfolio

Direct Link

More than car insurance. It's a relationship.

Direct Link iDyll Digital Ad

The Challenge: Direct Link is a pioneering car insurance company whose clients enjoy an outstanding range of extra benefits little known by the general public. It needed a digital campaign that would present the long list of advantages in a cohesive way that, when put together, would paint a distinctive and unique brand identity.

Direct Link iDyll Digital Ad

iDyll's Creative Idea: The brand name Direct Link was derived from the fact that it gets rid of the middleman. This meant each client dealt directly with the company's representatives--leading to strong client-company relationships. iDyll turned towards a metaphor of easy conversations between a man and a woman, demonstrating how Direct Link is more than car insurance. It's a great relationship.

Direct Link iDyll Digital Ad

iDyll Project Roles:

    • Communication Strategy & Concept Development
    • Creative Execution

Direct Link iDyll Digital Ad
Direct Link iDyll Digital Ad
Direct Link iDyll Digital Ad

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